When Jesus had spoken theses words, He went with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered. And Judas, who betrayed Him, also knew the place; for Jesus often met there with His disciples. Then Judas, having received a detachment of troops, and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?” They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am He.” And Judas who betrayed Him, also stood with them. Now when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. Then He asked them again, “Whom are you seeking?” And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus answered, “I have told you that I am He, therefore, if you seek Me, let these go there way,” that the saying might be fulfilled which He spoke, “Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none.” Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?” John 18:1-11
Here we see Jesus had just finished His prayer to the Father, (John 17) He now crosses the Brook Kidron with His disciples that He might go over to a place on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus went often with His disciples to a garden known as Gethsemane. Jesus’ supreme courage is seen in His determination to go to the cross, where the events of His arrest and trial receive emphasis in this chapter. John’s purpose was to present Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God, he skillfully shows us through all the humiliation, and debasing shameful acts that were directed toward Jesus, that these events rather than detracting from His person and mission, actually constitute decisive evidence confirming who He was and the reason for which He came. Now the Passover lamb had to be eaten by no less than ten people. As Jesus crossed over with His disciples, no doubt He was thinking of all those lambs that were sacrificed for the Passover. Jesus is well aware of His life as being the “Lamb of God” who could take away the sins of the world.
Judas, who betrayed Him—A full auxiliary cohort had the potential strength of 1,000 men, combining foot-soldiers, with officers. Roman auxiliary troops were usually stationed at Caesarea, but during the feast days were gathered in the Antonia Fortress, NW of the temple perimeter incase mob rioting might break out as such an large population filled Jerusalem. Interesting thought is, even with all those men, armed with lanterns, torches, and weapons, They were still no match for Jesus, by merely stating His name, “I am He” a designation He had used before declaring Himself God (John 8:28) power came out of Him that literally knock over Judas, and the soldiers with him. Even Peter, who is standing with the Lord, trying to defend Jesus, a sword in his hand is not a useful weapon. We need to see as Christians today, that God has given us power from on high that is more powerful than any earthly weapon. Prayer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is our Advocate to the Father, is more powerful than any human attempt of trying to defend yourself. The Bible says, “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) This referring to OT battle against King Jehosphat, king of Judah, who after hearing of a great army multitude gathered, and coming against them, sought the Lord in prayer. And this is the Lord’s answer. The New Testament also has many reminders for us as well: You are of God little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4). So Jesus knowing all things (v.4) would have known these things as well. But He would not resist His arrest in order to fulfill the Father’s will that He would go the cross. I have lost none—Jesus was saying that He protected the disciples from being arrested so He would not lose any of them, thus fulfilling the promises He made earlier in His prayer to His Father (John 17:12). All believers are weak and vulnerable if not protected by the Lord.
Drink the cup—Peter’s impetuous bravery in (v.10) was not only misguided, but exhibited failure to understand the centrality of the death that Jesus came to die. The “cup” in the Old Testament is associated with suffering and especially judgment.
Beloved friend, The grace of God will carry anyone of us through any difficulties of life. Prophetically, Scripture stated that Judas would betray Christ, But we see the grace upon Peter to restore him to Christ after denying Him three times. Anyone who believes in Him as their Lord and Savior will be saved. The Word of God transforms us, convicts us our sins, and need of forgiveness, then enables us to walk in the freedom of forgiveness being redeemed by the blood of Christ. The Bible declares We then, workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:1-2)
May the Lord Bless Your Walk With Him Today!