On the Same Team

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:8).


During the NFL’s 2013 season, Ritchie Incognito and Jonathan Martin has every reason as teammates to be friends, but they weren’t. Incognito constantly harassed and bullied Martin. He even threatened to kill Martin and his family. Incognito claimed it was just locker room talk —and was typical in the NFL. But it was too much for Martin, who quit the team citing emotional issues and fearing for his life. Martin admits he had some culpability as well in the issue, saying he was far too passive in dealing with Incognito’s threatening behavior.

Consider all these reasons these two men had to be friends. Both were NFL football players, on the same team, with the same coach. Both were starters and wanted to win. Both were millionaires. Yet, somewhere along the way, they forgot they were on the same team.

In much the same way, Christians of all stripes have many more reasons to honor one another than to dishonor one another. Both have the same owner, the same Savior, the same Spirit living inside them. The same playbook, the Holy Bible to draw from, and the same enemy who daily battles against them.

AS believers in Christ, our similarities are far greater than our differences. So we have a choice today, to be a force for unity in the body of Christ. As far as it depends on us, pursue peace with all men (Romans 12:18) by working with others to accomplish the greater work of salvation for the lost, and bringing glory to God our Father, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Father God, help us to accomplish what You have already ordained for us to accomplish and do. Let us with all our hearts work as unto You and not unto men, while bringing You further glory by working together in unity with the body of believers You have brought together.

In Jesus name, Amen

Author: rontrujillo

Married 37 years We have six children. All of whom are adult. Three are married one of them blessed us with three beautiful grandchildren. Retired Firefighter @ Boeing Aircraft 37 years (Formally McDonnell Douglas) Born Again Summer of 1981